Sunday, 25 July 2010

Caching in The New Forest

This weekend, we took a camping tip down into The New Forest.
On Saturday we took in a 'Hallowe'en Series'. Each cache was themed around Hallowe'en so we found cats, rats, spiders, coffins and pumpkins. This was a really fun series...apart from the rats!

We took in our first Earth Cache too. These are caches which teach you something about the local environment, there isn't a cache container to be found, but often you have to post a picture of yourself or GPS at the location.

Our second day involved a 'sidetracked' cache at Brockenhurst station, followed by a set of 5 caches within the New Forest. We had a great walk through Dinosaur Lands here and found some great sized caches. One of the caches we found was called 'Bouncy Tree' and here is why....!
We dropped off 5 Travel bugs and picked up 5 new ones to move on. We also spotted a Travel Bug car (similar to our own) and met another family out caching. All in all, a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. that Halloween series has been on our to do list for a while, good to see you enjoyed it
