Tuesday, 21 February 2012

A bit of a catch up

January was a busy caching month with just over 220 caches found. Sophie had a geat day with a new record of 33 finds in one day, we had an excellent walk down near Bradford Upon Avon...

A new series a few miles from us was published recently, we decided to do just half the walk one afternoon. Naturally we picked the hard hilly section, getting the buggy up one hill was so hard we had to take it in turns! Theo found his usual quota of sticks, plus a few extra for good measure!

I solved a fun puzzle cache which was located in a beautiful set of newly growing woodland. All the trees have been grown in very straight, regimented lines...which makes it fun for running through! Theo set off thinking he could hide from me...alas, the coverage was bare!

Caching in Scotland

Over half term, we visited the in-laws up in Northern Scotland. There wasn't much chance to cache but we still picked up a few including 2 Earthcaches and a virtual.
The Earthcaches were set around beaches so both kids were very happy. One was 'Bow Fiddler Rock' which is a natural archway created over time that now resembles a Fiddler's Bow. Our second Earthcache was a Cherty Rock set on beautiful beach.